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Diabetes Management Workshop - Living Well with Diabetes (Conference Call)

Diabetes Management Workshop - Living Well with Diabetes (Conference Call)

03/06/2024 06:00 PM - 04/10/2024 06:30 PM
Description: Hosted by Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center. This 6-week virtual, interactive workshop allow participants to learn Self-Management skills such as goal setting and stress management strategies; understand glucose monitoring, skin and foot care; learn techniques to cope with feelings of frustration, fatigue, pain and isolation; develop skills to communicate more effectively with family, friends and health professional; and learn about appropriate exercise and nutrition for people with diabetes.

Date and Time: Wednesdays March 6 - April 10, 2024 from 6:00pm - 6:30pm

Location: Virtual (Conference Call)

Register: Living Well with Diabetes workshop

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